Michelle Paver has again produced a great ghostly tale as she did with "Dark Matter". Well written and "creepy" this book works as a ghostly tale in the same way as Johnathan Aycliffe's works do; building tension, suspense and drama until you are so caught with the tale that you are swept up with the words and circumstance. The book is well plotted and paced even if a little dull (what ghost story is not) and dreary. I have not given it a great review but that is down to circumstance rather than the book itself. Recently you may have noticed I reviewed "Abominable" by Dan Simmons" both books are based on a similar premise. Dan's on the ascent of Everest, Michelle's on Kanchenjunga. Michelle is good at conjuring atmosphere and "Thin Air" is well worth a read but when compared to "Abominable" and Dan Simmons vast literary talents it fades. "Thin Air" is still worth a read, I cannot fault it. It simply fades in the presence of a far greater writer and book.
