Ray T Walker

Jan 8, 20211 min

New Worlds.

It is true that I rarely have the time to write now, the depressing state of world affairs and the coronovirus have forced many of us, those lucky enough to still be alive, to adapt and change and I have done so just as many others have. That does not mean, however, that I have stopped writing, that I have stopped still and am not moving, Rather just that my time mostly disappears elsewhere.

I have been writing here and there, I have produced some good work in my opinion (others may disagree), I think, despite the long hours I am working now and the lack of free time to pursue my previous plans all this truly does is slow down my output. It does not curtail it completely. So In the next couple of weeks I will be producing a couple of new tales that will only be available on this website for your enjoyment. I am hopefull that at sometime in the future they will be included in a collection of tales but for now you will only get to read them here. I will let you know soon when they will appear.

I hope you are all well.

