Only three weeks to go now until the release of "Cold Blue Eyes" simultaneously in Paperback and e-book formats.
Following my usual routine, I sent the book out for pre-publication reviews and have had many returned, more than I would normally have (lol- probably because it is quite a short novel. Only One hundred and thirty pages or so).
Thankfully all the reviews so far have been good. Especially since it can be quite an "unexpected" novel. Firstly, because I had not even mentioned its release until a few months ago and secondly because it is considered a sequel to "Nut Brown Eyes" which was quite successful many years ago.
Thirdly, I suppose because "Nut Brown Eyes" was mentioned everyone was expecting it to be an erotic fantasy and "Tale of the unexpected". Which in its own way it is. Yet it is darker than Nut Brown Eyes, an already dark tale. and I think, even more unexpected.
What I wished to share with you all was a review out of left field. One I did not expect, especially as it came from a well-known thriller author. (I cannot tell you whom until the book comes out as it is going to be used for advertising).
But I can share a little of the review (I have been told) and it starts with "Hannibal Lecter in the Highlands of Scotland". A Hillwalker, kind, and friendly set to enjoy forest walks and hill climbing, caught up in a murder mystery but who murdered whom, who will be the next victim.
This seemed a strange take on the story to me but who am I to argue with someone whose books have sold millions more than mine?
