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Everything is strange for me now. Many will have noticed that I have not been posting or responding to mails with the alacrity I once displayed. This has been the case for some time now. Some of this was due to my job and the long hours I was working but there were other things going on I felt were difficult to mention. I will say nothing of them now for little has changed but it must. All who read this blog will know I have a new novel about to be released (16th September 2022) "The Dead Girl and the Wandering Tree" which will be my first new novel in a long time. Four years, I think. The delay was simply due to long working hours and personal circumstances which I will tell you about at some other time.

I hope at some time in the future to regale you with other books and tales, many of which already reside within my head and just need the transference to paper. So, until that time just stick with me. Read "The Dead Girl and the Wandering Tree", enjoy it and the sequel "The Dark Kind" which will arrive around a year from now. Also, "Drear" which is written, and you will hear more of at the turn of the year.

I have also heard that there may be a commemorative edition of "A Shiver" out next year for its twentieth anniversary with loads of new stuff included but at the moment it is just a rumor.

I hope that in the meantime you will stick with me and wait for the grand and glorious new tales that I hope to tell.

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