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The Cowboy Junkies.

It is rare that I add music to websites, blog posts and /or comments. Music, like literature is a very personal thing, what I may enjoy; you may not, what you may love or adore I may find trite or bland so I mostly avoid such things. Today I am going to make an exception. The eighties heralded the beginnings of electronic music and had its own style completely. This style passed me by. I rarely enjoyed anything in the charts at the time. One day, however, sitting in my garden in Bishopton, Scotland and Listening to Johnnie Walkers Saturday afternoon show on BBC radio two I heard the old Velvet Underground song "Sweet Jane" done by a new Canadian band that ran "minimalist" to the limits. At the time I thought them akin to David Sylvian who was one of the few eighties acts I liked. They were distant relations at the very best.

I bought an album (The Trinity Sessions) and then the next (Caution Horses) and began to follow them with a fervor. The early "cool" of "Trinity" became a deeper cleverer, snapshot of individual lives, Micheal Timmins writing poetic and believable. "The Cowboy Junkies" have lived in my life for many many years now and so I thought to introduce them to you with a couple of links.

As I said. Everyone has different ides and thoughts. Check them out and decide for yourselves on your faves. I love them.

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