It is finaly Time, "He who is Lost" will be released next week. I have to do a number of interviews and signings and am doing an online event, Saturday next (if you wish to attend) to coinside with the release date. I have already been surprised with the pre-release orders (even though I had the book at a knock down price to give it a good start) which stand higher than any book previously produced by me. Do not get me wrong I have not suddenly become Stephen King or Dan Simmons and had a million Pre-orders. I normally have ten or twenty already ordered when a book is released, A couple of years ago I surpassed all expectations with the "opening" sales of "Winter's Ghost" and have exceeded even that lofty figure for "He, who is Lost" but those sales still number in the hundreds rather than the hundreds of thousands. That said I have high hopes for this novel. It is rare that I think one of my own books worthy of competing with the "big names" and perhaps I am wrong to think so this time but I like this one and think that many others also will. As is understandable, I have a little "stage fright" as only a few people have read the book up to now. Thankully those few have really liked it but you never know what the reading public will think. I will find out in a week or two. Hopefully all will go well.
If you think that it may be of interest to you please feel free to browse all the literature and the short precis of the book. If you wish mail me and I will respond. Thank you all for listening. I do tend to rattle on a bit.