An excellent first novel from a writer I have have never heard of but hope to hear more from the near future.
Dive straight into insanity and human malevolence with this gritty detective drama set in Stockholm in the late seventeen hundreds. The author tells of an insidious fear growing and taking hold as each crime comes to light. The main characters are well portrayed, they have depth, feeling and are as real as you and I. I Found them compelling as I did with the building narrative, this is a well set out book, as dark as anything I have ever written (and I am known for being a little to visceral at times) or darker still.
Grizzly at times, dark regularly but enthralling; always, this is one of the best books I have read in a long time. Imagine Lovecraft had a dream where the only monsters were human and you may be close to seeing what this book is.
I loved it even when it grew so dark as to be throttling.
Highly recommended by me.
